
1.       Action Verb web: cm

2.       Active verb

3.       Auxiliary verb

4.       Bare Infinitive

5.       Causative verb

6.       Compound verb

7.       Copula

8.       Copular Verb

9.       Defective Verb

10.   Delexical verb

11.   Ditransitive verb

12.   Elliptical verb

13.     Ergative alternation 

14.     Ergative pair

15.   Ergative verb

16.   Finite verb

17.   Gerund

18.   Helping verb

19.   Incomplete verb

20.   Intransitive verb

21.   Irregular verb

22.   Linking verb

23.   Modal

24.   Modal Auxiliary

25.   Modal Auxiliary Verb

26.   Non-finite verb

27.   Non-modal

28.   Ordinary Verb

29.   Participle

30.   Passive verb

31.   Phrasal

32.   Phrasal verb

33.   Phrase verb

34.   Plural verb

35.   Principal verb

36.   Reflexive verb

37.   Regular verb

38.   Reporting verb

39.   Semi-modal

40.   Singular verb

41.   Split Infinitive

42.   State Verb

43.   Stative Verb

44.   The Infinitive

45.   The Peculiars

46.   Transitive verb

47.   Verb of Incomplete Predication

48.   Verb of the Senses

49.   Verb Phrase

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